Saturday, March 17, 2012


Here's how the new PA voter ID law will change voting in Pennsylvania. Check the link below.

"In the signing ceremony at his Capitol offices, Corbett called the new law a preventive measure, but he could not offer examples of voter fraud to back up his contention that the crime has occurred in certain precincts in the past."

Unfortunately PA has no provisions in it's constitution to recall it's governor! What a shame!

Frank Miller

1 comment:

  1. Was having a debate on this with some people on Facebook. They said it was the most basic of requirements and the Left's "whining" about it only made them look stupid. I brought up the fact that there are millions of elderly who have voted all their lives but who no longer drive or have licenses who won't be able to vote. There are many poor who use public transportation and work multiple jobs who will not be able to get out to get their birth certificates and photo IDs taken care of who will no longer be able to vote. There are the Puerto Ricans living in this country whose birth certificates are not recognized who are supposed to go back to Puetro Rico to get a different form of ID who will not be able to vote(my husband in his work has had first hand experiences with this problem). It is the elderly, the poor and the minorities who are being left out of the democratic process. THIS is how the Right likes to win things, but cheating. This is, "Let's change the rules of the game for our benefit." This is wrong, wrong, wrong.
